I don't see any likeness between this portrait and me but the painter
who is my close friend and and me first patient saw me in such a known theatrical
painter. His nave is Evgeny Ivanov-Voland.
My nabe is Igor Andreevich Ilyasov. I am an astrologist from Saratov,
a graduate of Sankt-Peterburg Astrology Academy (diploma number 9, november
1, 1994). Having graduated from two higher institutions
I can a historian-sociologist and psychologist by profession.
My hobby is feature and advertisement photograhy.
My fovourite sport is table tennis.
In 1975 I begin investigating systematic analisis of public relations.
For a long time. I worked with the group of social planning at Saratov
Law (Academy) Institute and therefore considared sociology to be my main
calling but soon I paid my attetion to occultism. Having graduated from
well-know Kiev Kandibe's School - Academy I got diploma of an extrasenser
of world category (diploma number C404, aprel 29, 1991). For several years
I worked at Saratov center of nontraditional medicine "Itel" as a psicho-analyst
and bioenergy therapeutist.Dealing with nontraditional medicine and beeng
a specialist on systematic analisis I understood that without knowing astrology
I couldn't work further, I at once realiyed that astrolody had rational
hirnal and while diletants cried everywhere that it was groudless I decided
to look into its fine points and to understand the principle of astrological
investigation itself. Some years of self-dependent work passed very quickly!
The results of tedious investigation were shocking and many things became
clear to me why astrology was criticiyed, of this science (and those who
know it did't often understand it) and so on.