Review #1 on the monograph "Formula of Cancer Diagnosis"
The authors are Igor A.Ilyasov, Elena B.Ilyasova.
The given scientific-research method presented by the authors in
the monograph "Formula of Cancer Diagnosis" is a new scientific
approach to a very serious and important medical problems - the
theme of diagnosis and treatment of oncological diseases. This
problem has not yet solved by means of fundamental medicine and
because of it, according to our medical statistics half patients
are sent to the hospital, having the third and fourth stages of
In connection with this it is extremely important to begin
searching new methods of cancer diagnosis enlisting other
sciencer. It is the method that is presented in the monograph.
Igor A.Ilyasov, a professional psychologist, medical astrologist
and historian, is working now at the frontier of several sciences
carrying out scietific investigation which are not yet applied to
medicine. As it is in the book if it is impossible to
achieve the goal by ordinary medical methods it is necessary to
a use the methods of other sciences. This work convincingly proves
that time has come when it is necessary to use all the layers of
know, ledge and to integrate them.
This work illuminates in short the status of medical astrology as
a science, chapters 2 and 3 give the general theory of new
diagnosis and lead the readers to understanding the fourth one
which is the most important of them is the chapter which is the
quintessense of the whole monograph. In this chapter the results
of the work done show that cancer formula allows us the analysis
of individual horoscope, to see if there is a tumor in this or
that patient's organism. Besides, with the help of a birth chart
the exact time of its appearance can be established. The analysis
of birth charts of 173 patients has been made and the
investigator has expressed her opinion about the tumors in
organisms of 32 patients. This examination with the help of
X-rays has been carried out by Elena B.Ilyasova, Master of
Medicine at the chair of radiant diagnosis and radiant therapy of
Saratov Medical University. The result have shown the following:
rectum cancer (8 patients); cancer of different parts of rectum
(4 patients); cancer of stomoch (11 patients); cancer of lengs
(9 patients).
Obtained results show the effectiveness of this astrological
formula but it is necessery to check it up having much more
patients and then it will be a real discovery.
Taking into account the perspective and practical importance of
this work for medicine to diagnose oncological disesses this
monogtaph in recommended for publication.
T.A.Kunitzina, Doctor of Medicine, professor of Saratov Medical
abstract |
cooperate |
review 2 |
review 3 |
introduction |
rezult |
conclusion |
advantages of formula